Thor Labs PM-160

Diffusion slotted over the top ensures the beam spreads evenly over entire sensing area.

The sensing area is actually smaller than 1cm2, so you need to adjust the reading you want to see accordingly:

9.5mm aperture = 0.70882cm2

So for 1mW MPE you actually read 0.71mW on the meter

They have to be calibrated every 6 months by the German manufacturer.

Using it

Check calibration date

Re zero the meter (do this every time)

Bottom left button to select wavelength you want to measure (see laser datasheet for its diode wavelengths and test each in turn).

If you hold top right you get a peek hold reading, do this once you’ve set beam power and move it about a bit to ensure you get strongest beam energy.

Reading is in uW, so 710uW = 0.71mW

Its sensor has a max optical power of 200mW with its filter – do not exceed this!


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