There are 9 DMX direct control setups available:
3 in the performance mode lighting toolbar. You can edit and toggle these directly there
6 in rekordbox Preferences > Extensions > Lighting. You’ll need to assign a MIDI button or knob to trigger these.
Within each you can set up to 32 DMX channels with on/off or low/high DMX values to be sent.
Anything you want! Here’s a couple of ideas:
DMX controlled smoke machine
Moving light gobo, rotate or prism control (without having to labourisly edit all of the lighting scenes to do it).
Assigning to MIDI buttons or knobs
See my page here.
Using the same DMX channel in multiple DMX direct controls
Rekordbox will apply a HTP approach (highest takes precedence) as long as you leave the off level box empty. If you set off to ‘0’ then only one of the DMX Direct Controls will work for that channel. This works with channels that are in fixtures that are programmed in lighting scenes too – DMX Direct Controls will not affect their level if their off is left empty but will apply their level when turned on.