BEYOND and QuickShow operate with two time “sources” – clock and beats:
- The beats are controlled by BPM
- The system “metronome” – a timer that can provide the beat timebase.
BPM right click menu options
Enable and it will allow for small differences in your beat click time (e.g. hitting the spacebar), or using PangoScript BeatTap from some device trigger. If you click a bit sooner or a bit later then it will try and quantize what you’re doing.
Hard Beat Sync
Enabled = the cue player uses time of the centralized Beat manager.
Disabled = each Cue Player calculates beats by itself starting from its own zero.
Hard sync mode keep all cues synchronized because they use one beat-time source.
0 at resync
Sets beat number to zero (beginning) during the Resync command.
Loop mode
By default, the beat index goes up without a limit.
Enable and it will count like a musician – 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, etc. Set the max value below the button (4, 8, or 16 are typical for dance music)