Some of the Pioneer/AlphaTheta controllers include a DMX output. For those without a DMX otuput, the original RB-DMX1 USB to DMX interface has been discontinued by AlphaTheta.

Enttec DMX Pro

The Enttec DMX Pro device is now supported in rekordbox, on both PC and MAC. This is a very widely used interface (and cheaper than the RB-DMX1 used to be too!). It works great on both PC and MAC.

Ensure lighting mode it on in rekordbox preferences (Preferences > Extensions > Lighting tab > Enable lighting function) and your interface device is enabled there too.

Installing drivers for the Enttec DMX Pro on a Mac

It looks scary because you’ve got to uise the command line, but its pretty straightforward.
which takes you to:

Open the readme and follow instructions. This is what I did:

Installing the library is a relatively simple operation which involves copying a file and making a symbolic link.
Use the following steps to install (these assume you have copied the distribution’s D2XX folder to the desktop):

1. Open a Terminal window (Finder->Go->Utilities->Terminal).
2. If the /usr/local/lib directory does not exist, create it:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib
3. if the /usr/local/include directory does not exist, create it:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/include
4. Copy the dylib file to /usr/local/lib:
sudo cp Desktop/release/build/libftd2xx.1.4.30.dylib /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.1.4.30.dylib
5. Make a symbolic link:
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.1.4.30.dylib /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.dylib
6. Copy the D2XX include file:
sudo cp Desktop/release/ftd2xx.h /usr/local/include/ftd2xx.h
7. Copy the WinTypes include file:
pesudo cp Desktop/release/WinTypes.h /usr/local/include/WinTys.h
8. You have now successfully installed the D2XX library.


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